Monday, June 23, 2014

6 Keys to Building "The Winning Team"

6 Keys to Building "The Winning Team"

Powerful article

To Build a Team Winner least we should be able to meet the following terms:
1. Has Strong Leadership, they are no longer considering the hours or salary advance, but they have a value that is pursued.
2. Must Have GOAL same, this can be obtained by routinely communicating GOAL will be achieved by the Company (Mission and Vision).
3. Having Confidence Same, it is important that within the team, no one forget to remove "Hand Brake" while another is "step on the gas"
4. Has Action Plan that serves as a nice small Goal2 Breakdown of Big Corporate Plan, to ensure team effectiveness.
5. Having Monitoring System which serves to ensure all Action Plan and Team remain in the Outline Plan for the Company.
6. Having a clear and Planning Training Contains: Skill, Motivation and the Culture Company that can ensure Growing Team.
Success comes not from the action continues to Stop. Success comes from Build HABITS!

Secret Tips To Be Rich

Secret Tips To Be Rich

Secret Tips To Be Rich today, What To Do By loser ..?
Described by Robert T Kiyosaki, Fear Lost People will Keep Doing It Similar in His life, here's a few things that do losers:
1. Marriage to those who still maintain that it is no longer grounded by Love.
2. They are still undergoing A job, even though they knew no good prospects.
3. They are storing old clothes and "stuff" that they never wear.
4. Those who remained in the cities that do not have a future for them to live.
5. They are still friends with the People They already know they hinder Progress.

Zakaria: The old Egypt is back


Zakaria: The old Egypt is back

CNN speaks with Fareed Zakaria about Monday's conviction in Egypt of three Al Jazeera English journalists accused of aiding the Muslim Brotherhood.
Fareed, what does this ruling in Egypt, going against these Al Jazeera journalists, say about what's going on in Egypt right now? A new president has just been elected.
It tells us the old Egypt is back. That is, the deep state – the state of Mubarak and Nasr, the state that ruled in an uninterrupted military dictatorship – is back because despite the claims they're moving toward democracy and trying to create genuine transition to pluralism, freedom of the press is entirely under siege and under attack from the state.
Look at the charges. These journalists, who are very fine professional journalists, are being essentially charged for criminal activity for aiding terrorists, which is entirely untrue. Two of them sentenced to seven years. One was sentenced to an additional 10 years. Do you know why? He was charged with possession of ammunition. Why? While covering these protests this man found a spent casing, in other words a used shell. He happened to put it in his pocket as a souvenir. For that act, he has been sentenced to an additional three years in jail. This is how absurd these charges are.
Is there a possibility this can be overturned and these three journalists can be freed?
They're all really fine professional journalists whose only sin was to commit journalism. That's all they were doing – covering the story. The phase Egypt is going through right now, judges have been doing mass sentencing where they sentence hundreds of people to death at a time, just shows how ludicrous the whole process is. Some of those sentence haves been overturned on appeal. That’s possible in this case.
More from CNN: Why we should be worried
It's also possible that the president, frankly, could summarily dismiss the whole thing. Egypt has turned into a dictatorship, which means if President el-Sisi decides he wants to dispense with these sentences, he will do it. So I think if there was enough international pressure brought to bear – I think Secretary Kerry has been very good, but privately should be pushing them harder. I think it wouldn't hurt if President Obama were to speak out on this.
The issue of freedom of press is at the heart of building a new democracy. If that's what Egypt wants to do and they will not allow journalists to operate freely, they will not allow the free flow of information, then the whole thing is a sham.
The White House today began with a statement saying, "The White House strongly condemns the conviction and sentencing of these Al Jazeera journalists in Cairo," adding the verdict "flouts the most basic standards of media freedom." Here's the sensitive issue. We know Egypt is an important strategic partner in that part of the world. The United States provides Egypt with a lot of military and economic foreign aid. If Egypt continues to arrest journalists for simply doing journalism, sentencing them to seven or 10 years in prison, there will be outrage in the United States, and a lot of that pressure for foreign aid for Egypt will go away.
That's true. It's a very complicated subject. Egypt gets a lot of that foreign aid because it signed the Camp David Accords, returning land to Israel. It's tied in with a broader strategic puzzle. It will be difficult to withhold the aid without unraveling that, including the peace treaty with Israel.
However, I think it's very important for the United States to send a signal that the United States does not believe Egypt is on the right track, that these are terrible, terrible mistakes. As Secretary Kerry said, they're losing faith with the people of Egypt. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to suspend a variety of programs – the U.S. has some military aid, non-military aid, other kinds of contact. Because it's not just bad for journalists. It's terrible for Egypt. When you think about it, in terms of attracting tourists, part of the lifeblood of Egypt's economy – all this is sending exactly the wrong signals.

Implementation of Firewall Filters

Implementation of Firewall Filters

In general, firewall filtering is usually done by defining the IP address, both the src-address and dst-address. Suppose you want to block client computer that has a certain ip or when doing block certain web based ip to the web. Firewalls are not only used to block the client that can not access a particular resource, but it is also used to protect the local network from external threats, such as viruses or hacker attacks. Usually the attack from the internet is done from a lot of IP so that it will be difficult for us to do only with the protection of IP based. Well, actually there are many ways in addition to filtering based on IP Addres, for example based on protocol and port. Here's an example of implementation by utilizing some of the parameters in the filter firewall features.

Protocol and Port
The use of ports and protocols is usually combined with an IP address. Suppose you want the client can not browse, but can still FTP, then you can create a firewall rule that performs block TCP port 80. When you click the drop down in the protocol, it will display any protocol option that will we filter. This parameter will we need when we want to block the application where the application uses a specific protocol and port.

Interface outline there are 2, the input interface and output interface. How to determine this is to look at the interface where the trafick entered into the router, and which interface traffick from the exit to leave the router. Suppose you connect to the internet through a router proxy, then you ping from your laptop, then the input interface is the interface connected to your laptop, and the output interface is the interface connected to the Internet. An example application is when you want to maintain the security of the router, you do not want the router can be accessed from the internet. Of these cases you can do filter the incoming connection to the router with a direct in-interface option on the interface connected to the Internet.

P2P parameter
There is actually a fairly easy way and simple to perform such filtering against traffick P2P torrent or eDonkey. If you previously used a lot of rules, you can simplify the P2P parameters specify filters in the firewall rule. If you click on the drop down, it would appear that p2p program information can be filtered by the firewall.

We usually make a mangle to mark packets / connections, then we use for bandwidth management. But we also can make a mangle to perform filtering. Firewall filters can not perform tagging in packets or connections, but we can combine firewall mangle and filter. First, we mark the first packet or connection with mangle, then we define in the firewall filters.

Connection State
If you do not want any packet - invalid packet passing on your network, you can also perform filtering by defining the parameters of the connection state. Invalid package is a package that has no connection and is not useful so it will only burden the network resources. We can do drop the package - this package by defining the parameters of the connection state.

Address List
There are times when we want to do filtering against some ip that is not sequential or random. If we make a rule one by one, it will become tiresome. With these conditions, we can apply the IP grouping makes "address list". First, make a list of ip in the address list, and then apply the filter in your rule. Options for adding the "Address List" in the firewall on the Advanced tab. There are two types of address list, "Src. Address List" and "Dst. Address List. Src Address List is a list of resources that connect to ip, ip Dst Address List is a goal to be accessible.

Layer 7 Protocol
If you are familiar with regexp, you can also apply filtering on layer7 using firewall filters. In the proxy, adding regexp can be done in the menu Layer 7 Protocol. Once you add regexp, you can perform filtering with Layer 7 Protocol defines the filter rule you created. Please note that the use RegExp, will require higher CPU recource than usual rule.

When we want to do block the website, one of the steps are quite easy to do this is to perform a filter based on content. Content is the string that is displayed on the web page. That way, the website that has a string kida fill in the content will be filtered by the firewall. Suppose we want to block then simply browse content with a string parameter "facebook" and drop action, the website either HTTP or HTTPS facebook inaccessible.

Mac address
When we do a filter by IP address, a user sometimes naughty by replacing ip address. To overcome this mischief, we can apply filtering by mac-address. We record the mac address used information that user, then we add the parameters Src. Mac Address in firewall rule us. With so long as the user is still using the same device, he continued to be changed ip filter though.

One alternative solution other than we have to bother making a scheduler and scripts, we can utilize the time in firewall feature filters. This feature will determine when a firewall rule is executed. Not only to determine hours, this feature can also be used to determine any day of the rule runs. Suppose we want to block facebook in office hours, then we can create a firewall rule to block facebook run from 08:00 to 16:00 hours apart on Saturday and Sunday. Before you create a firewall rule with the parameter "time", make sure you've set NTP on your router so that the router time according to real time.

When you create a firewall rule, try to create a specific rule. The more specific rule that we make, the more optimal the rule also will run.