Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Limitations Bandwidth Over Time

Limitations Bandwidth Over Time

Simple queue is a bandwidth management method is the simplest. How easy configuration and results are quite effective. But sometimes we as a network administrator wants custom flexible bandwidth management. For example do bandiwtdh limitations based on time. If imaginable seems to require the configuration is complex, but it turns out the configuration that must be made quite simple.
Examples of such cases we will do the limitation of bandwidth with the following conditions:
  • Working hours 08:00 to 17:00 with 512Mbps bandwidth allocation.
  • After hours raised to 1Mbps bandwidth allocation, for example employee bonus overtime.
  • Saturday - Sunday given bandwidth of 2 Mbps.
For those of us who rarely pay attention to small features may be thinking of the above requirements we would need a scheduler. But actually we do not need the features scheduler, there are parameters in simple queue time. This parameter is used to determine when the rule will be active. For the needs already mentioned above, then we can make the configuration as follows.
First, create a rule to bandwidth limitations on working hours, which is allocated bandiwdth of 512kbps, assume for example ip address client will dilimit is 192 168 230 254. In the bottom of the window there is a simple queue configuration parameter Time. Here we specify when the rule will run queue.
Next create a rule to limitations on weekdays, after work hours, meaning the queue will run from 17:00 pm to 08:00 am. It turned out that the time range on the parameters simple queue could not walk past the turn of the day, so it can be filled with a value of 17:00:01 to 07:59:59. To overcome this, we can create two queue. Queue running from 17:00 until midnight, and the queue from midnight until morning. Sample configuration
And finally, we create a queue for a weekend by opting Saturday and Sunday. The final result set.
Visually there are some rules that are red. Do not worry, it does not mean that any rule or error, but because the time parameter has not been reached.
If we try to connect to the internet at around 5 am, the queue is a queue run late at night, where the client will get bandiwdth up to 1 Mbps.
In the implementation examples above, we use the ip address of the client as a target. If the client is handled quite a lot, we could combine with a feature parameter time PCQ.

Management Bandwith VPN User

 Management Bandwith VPN User

Management bandwidth usage is an important thing. With this we can avoid the monopoly of the use of bandwidth. So that we can set the bandwidth usage evenly or can we use to give priorities to the specific user.

Then, what if the user is a VPN connection users of our network. There are several ways that can be applied, that is Dynamic and Static. For dynamic methods we have discussed in previous articles here .
With this dynamic method when there is a VPN user login will be given allotments of bandwidth as we specify. This may be quite easy if the VPN user is not too much and tend to be static.

If the VPN user the many and are mobile will be very hard for us to divide how much bandwidth is fitted to each of the user. Moreover, if the VPN user is divided into multiple accounts and each account has a different network.

As an example the case with the VPN user account A walk in the network, with the network account B, and C account with the network And each account will have different bandwidth allocation. To account A -> 128kbps, account B -> 256kbps, account C -> 512kbps. The bandwidth allocation will be divided evenly on each network. When there is addition or subtraction automatically User VPN router bandwidth will be split evenly and can also maximize the use of existing bandwidth.

VPN configuration

The first configuration we will make 'IP Pool' for allocation of IP addresses for each account from the VPN. Go to the menu I P -> Pool -> click the Add [+].

After we make our next IP Pool activate the VPN service. This time the VPN service to be used is PPTP. To enable entry to the PPP menu -> Interface -> click the command button 'PPTP Serve r'. Then uncheck 'Enabled'.

Then we create a new profile for the VPN account A, B, and C. In the same menu select Tab 'Profiles'. The profile settings will be used to define the parameter 'Remote Address' in secret. So that the allocation of IP addresses to the user can be automatically according to the network that we set.

Well, eventually we memeliki 3 new profile for each VPN account.
The next step we create a user account for VPN. Pembuatannya on Tab 'Secret'.

So that there will be 3 to konkesi PPTP VPN account, namely A, B, and C.

Queue Configuration for Bandwidth Management

After we configure the VPN server, then we will make use of simple queue bandwidth management.


We will do the testing if the configuration we can run well. For this test using the bandwidth test from the PC / Laptop connected to a VPN network that we created earlier.

When a user VPN using account A and in trying to do a bandwidth test, then if the configuration goes well, limitation queue will use VPN-A-limitation bandwidth allocation in accordance with the previous provisions.

A limitation Test Account

It also will be the same when the VPN user is connected primarily to account B and C. Each will get a bandwidth limitation in accordance with which we set earlier.

Limitations Test Account B

Test Account Limitations C

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Frankie manning

Google's main page back adorned by a doodle. Today, Thursday (05/26/2016), this section slicked dengandoodle to commemorate the 102 anniversary of the dancer and choreographer from the United States, Frankie Manning.

Google makes animated pair of men and women dancing with exhilaration. There is a scene where the man throws the woman aloft. In the back it says "Google".

However, who exactly Frankie Manning who made today's Google Doodle?

KompasTekno quoted from the Telegraph, Frankie Manning was born on May 26, 1914 in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Just turned three years, Frankie Manning had to be moved to Harlem area, one part of the city of New York.

His interest in the world of dance itself has started since a young age. At the age more mature, Frankie Manning often attend dance events at the Renaissance Ballroom, where he mostly accompanied by her mother.

He was quite surprised when he saw his mother was able to dance a traditional dance moves west, like a waltz. Therefore, she is seriously studying dance.

Frankie Manning then founded a dance group called Whitey's Lindy Hoppers were quite frequent performances and made several films. He is also regarded as one of the creators of the famous dance moves, the Lindy Hop.

The dance was so popular in the 1920s until the 1930s. The dance movement is a combination of a lot of movement, such as jazz, tap, breakaway, danCharleston.

Lindy Hop movement itself was born in the African-American community in Harlem, but started more widespread in 1930.

The movement is so wild and spontaneous, with the movement of kicks and movements of the body, or may be a movement that is understated, and is usually done in pairs, the same as Google's motion animation displayed.

Frankie Manning himself was not the person who gave the name Lindy Hop movement. However, he is an ambassador of the movement for helping make it a popular dance and pass it to a wide audience.

Frankie Manning died on 27 April 2009 at the age of 94 years in Corona, Queens, USA.

Monday, May 16, 2016

User Bandwidth Management Hotspot in Bypass (IP Binding)

User Bandwidth Management Hotspot in Bypass (IP Binding)

Technological developments require that all people have a smart phone digenggamannya, even the day the price of smart phones more affordable by all audiences in Indonesia. Automatically needs of the Internet is increasingly important for many people. No wonder if any crowded places such as offices, hotels, campuses, malls and so provide hotspot service. So many have concluded Wireless Hotspot must be through the media, if you are one of them please read the article below
If you already studied the article at the link we have agreed that in Mikrotik Hotspot is a system to provide authentication features to the user that will use the network. But we can also give privileges to some users that do not need authentication implementation examples there are more details in the article below
After Users in bypass, meaning the user is not able to do the bandwidth limitation using the User Profile. To overcome this we can do a number of ways depending IP bindings we do.
IP Binding by allocating a specific IP
In this method, we will allocate special ip address which will be given to the user bypasses. The ip router will allocate the bypass user based on mac-address, so the ip address user who bypassed unchanged - a fox. Just as making static-lease on a DHCP server settings. Do I go to the menu IP >> >> Hotspot IP Bindings.   Then add the Mac Address of the user who will be bypassed and decide to address it.
If using this bypass means, to perform management bandiwdth we just add Simple Queue leading to the IP we have set in to the IP Address Bindings.

IP Binding without allocation of IP Address
With this method, the user simply bypassed by mac-address user device. Ip address that will didapatakn random user depending on the DHCP server. How to bypass, select the menu Hotspot IP >> >> IP Bindings. Then add the Mac Address of the user who will be bypassed.
If using bypass this way, to be able to perform user management are bypassed we should mark the first packets through the router with mac address. We can use the features of Mangle. First we make a mark-conection first: Firewall IP >> >> >> Add Mangle
The next step makes Mark Packet based mac-connection that was made before, via menu Firewall IP >> >> >> Add Mangle
Lastly, we can make a new bandwidth management using the Simple Queue based mark-packet that has been made in the mangle. Do not forget, the parameter "Target" please fill in your hotspot network segment.

If the above steps are finished, then try to do bandwidth test user side are bypassed. Actually there are many ways you can do for the user management in bypass, like PCQ, static-leases, etc. Both the above steps are just as simple alternatives that can be used for bandwidth menagement user who bypassed the hotspot network.