Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Oysters Fried Rice

Oysters Fried Rice
Fried rice there was a regular eating encounter in Indonesia
The usual meal at breakfast
The following is a recipe for making fried rice Oysters

10 shallots
2 cloves of garlic
2 plates of rice
1 packet paste ABC
soy sauce to taste
soy sauce to taste
oyster sauce to taste
ground pepper to taste
Masako taste of chicken
prawn crackers


     Saute onion, garlic, and shrimp paste until fragrant.
     Add rice and other bahan2 until cooked.
     Do a taste test test .When there are less able to add other ingredients.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Recipes Make Delicious Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning - Satay chicken is one food that is very popular in Indonesia, tastes good and delicious and the ingredients are easily found in the market, a number of factors that make this chicken satay is one of the favorite foods of children up to adults. Well, for those of you fans of this satay dishes, this time a team of typical recipes will try to present a recipe Make Delicious Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning. The following materials and how to make chicken satay peanut sauce:
Recipes Make Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning
Ingredients Make Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning:
½ chicken (discard the skin and bones and cut into cubes)
5 tablespoons soy sauce (spread)
2 tablespoons margarine (melted, to smear)
2 pieces of lime (optional)
Puncture satay taste
Ingredients to make the peanut sauce:
350 ml of water
150 grams fried peanuts (puree (bisda with a blender (more subtle) or pulverized itself but rather rough
5 tablespoons soy sauce
Salt to taste
Ground pepper to taste
To taste cooking oil (for frying)
The materials will be crushed to make peanut sauce:
5 red onions
3 cloves of garlic
4 pieces of red chili
2 eggs hazelnut
Sliced ​​tomatoes, sliced ​​red pepper, sliced ​​red onions, ketupat or rice cake
How to make chicken satay peanut sauce:
The first step, heat the oil, then enter the blended spices (onion, garlic, red pepper, and pecans) and stir-fry until fragrant.
The second step, Enter peanuts that have been previously smoothed and water. Then cook until boiling and thickened visible.
Add pepper powder, salt, soy sauce and stir until blended.
How to Make Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning:
  • The first step, Wash chicken meat until it is completely clean and drain. Once dry chicken then skewer chicken satay using the jab, and then set aside
  • The second step, soy sauce and margarine Mix together and stir until evenly mixed. After that, apply evenly on chicken satay.
  • The third step, Grilled chicken skewers over hot coals to look half-baked, and lift. Furthermore, dip it in peanut sauce then baked again until the chicken is cooked and the meat looks brown and Lift.
  • Lastly, serve chicken satay with peanut sauce and lemon juice (if you like), kemdian complete with sliced ​​tomatoes, sliced ​​red onion, sliced ​​chili, and rice cake or rice cake.
Thus Recipes Make Delicious Peanut Chicken Satay Seasoning can we present to you, easy - I hope that we gave this recipe can easily be practiced at home. Do not miss the other satay recipes like: Recipes Make Delicious Delicious Satay Quail Eggs and Soy Sauce Seasoning Recipe Sate Kambing specials


Rawon or usually called Rice Rawon (this is because it is usually served along with rice rawon) is one of the menu like beef stew but with a distinctive flavor that is kluwek. Basically these people during rawon know is one of the typical food of Surabaya and other cities in East Java, but actually there are a wide variety of other areas such as in Central Java or Surakarta tepatya well-known with Rawonnya.
The meat is used for general rawon choice is beef that has been cut into small pieces. whereas for seasoning the soup is very typical with Indonesian flavors, such as a mixture of onion and garlic, chili, lemon grass, galangal (laos), coriander, beef stew, salt, turmeric, and vegetable oils. All material is then pulverized (except lemongrass and galangal), then pan-fried until fragrant. And the spice mixture is then inserted into the broth from the stew meat. and to produce a distinctive dark color Rawon then add the beef stew.
Actually there are so many options Rawon recipes that can be found on Google, such as Rawon Recipe Chicken, Beef Rawon Recipes, Recipes Rawon Surabaya, Nguling Rawon Recipes, Recipes Rawon Satan and many more, but after Mother mind thought back, mother finally decided to share the recipe Rawon Creations Mother obtained from the test by combining several recipes Rawon. and so immediately wrote follow the steps below :)

Recipe Ingredients Rawon Special Nguling Typical Surabaya East Java

  • 600 grams of beef or meat option for rawon (brisket)
  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 stalks lemongrass, crushed
  • 3 cm galangal, crushed
  • 5 pieces of orange leaves
  • 3 tablespoons oil for sauteing
  • 5 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 pieces of red chili
  • 2 eggs hazelnut
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 4 pieces of old keluwak, steamed, take it
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 2 cm turmeric
  • 1 tsp shrimp paste cooked
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 stalks scallions, cut into pieces
  • 100 grams of short sprouts (bean soup)
  • Salt 2 eggs

How to make Rawon Recipes Special Nguling Typical Surabaya East Java

  1. First cook the beef along with the bay leaves, galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves, and leave it until tender. and mature. then Remove the bacon, then cut into thin strips or small pieces. and Filter stew, then simmer again along with slices of meat that has been cut previously.
  2. then heat the oil to taste, and saute ground spices along with chopped green onion until fragrant and cooked. Lift ago, then put in the meat broth that was created earlier. Cook then again with a small flame, while stirring continuously until boiling again.
  3. And for menyakijannya rawon cast into the bowl, then sprinkle the short sprouts (if using) on ​​top. Rawonpun was ready to be served. add the salted eggs, crackers and chili paste as a companion. :)
Well A few recipes Rawon Special Nguling Typical of the Mother of Surabaya in East Java. good luck trying to make that recipe this Rawon and make people proud that our dear to us : D

beef rendang

how to make beef rendang padang delicious typical easily

Here's how to make rendang beef, this recipe you can serve anytime mingkin fit a family event such as a family gathering event for the whole family to get together all you definitely want to entertain your relatives with a delicious dish leaving the impression that you want to visit your house again k
Tentuya maybe you chose the famous beef rendang from the fields to foreign countries, to note the make rendang padang must choose good quality beef rendang padang this recipe will be served with the meat flavor lezet certainly not tough or hard

how to make beef rendang

Prepare 1 kg meat (better to use lean meat), cut the meat into pieces and then washed thoroughly. Prepare 3 old coconuts, and shredded coconut and squeeze to become.

Meat Seasoning Ingredients Rendang

  1. 20 cloves of red onion
  2. 10 cloves of garlic
  3. 2 segment ginger that has been cleaned
  4. 1 red chilli Ons that have been finely ground
  5. 1 Teaspoon pepper (pepper powder)

Supplementary Material Other Rendang Spices

  1. 3 cm laos (dikeprak until smooth)
  2. 2 cm ginger
  3. 15 pieces of red onion
  4. 1 ounce of red pepper
  5. 6 cloves of garlic

How to Make Meat Rendang

  • Cut the meat in advance that has been cleaned earlier into several sections.
  • Boil the coconut milk along with herbs that have been processed earlier coupled with foliage and Kandis acid.
  • Do stirring continuously until thickened coconut milk and coconut milk is not broken.
  • Enter into stew meat coconut milk and spices when boiling coconut oil has been issued.
  • Stir constantly over low heat if coconut water has begun to blend with the meat, do stirring until lightly browned meat rendang.
  • Done, you can present to a few servings.

Note Rendang Meat And Cooking Tips

The way that you boiled milk that is not broken is by using motion draw when you make coconut milk stirring so it will be uneven. Do not let the silence coconut milk without stirring as this will make you break coconut milk and coconut milk rupture if the possibility of this recipe will fail.
Tips for more tender meat: Perform pengeprakan for more tips on meat so that the meat processing easier when mature. Do not do meat cuts that are too thick because it will be difficult pervasive spices and meat becomes hard.

Well that's Recipe How to Make Beef Rendang which we can hopefully serve to anda.mudah recipe how to make beef rendang is beneficial for you or ibuk who want to try this easy recipe rendang-mudahaan successful as you want