Sunday, June 29, 2014

15 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic or Website

15 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic or Website

How to increase blog or website traffic - traffic is important for bloggers. Even many people who think that traffic is the lifeblood of a blog. Traffic is also a popular benchmark for whether or not a blog. Blogs or websites that traffic would not have made ​​the author a long time to accomplish because they feel appreciated by Internet users. But how to increase blog traffic?

Lots of tips and tricks to increase blog traffic is spread on the internet, we just need to choose which one is right for tips on our blog. There have been many SEO experts who share their knowledge about how to increase traffic to our blog.

Well, we've agreed that traffic is a very important thing for a blog or website. Well it is time we discuss how to increase traffic to your blog or website, especially for a blog that was new alias Unyu-Unyu.

How to increase blog traffic

1. Submit your blog to search engines

The first thing you need to do to attract more visitors to your blog is to submit your blog to various search engines available. Objective submit blog to search engines is that the article on our blog can be indexed by search engines. With submit to the search engines means we have incorporated our blog in the search engines directories. Some of the most popular search engines are Google, Bing and Yahoo!

Read: How to register and submit your blog to Google's search engine

2. Keyword

The second thing that is crucial is to choose keywords that will chase you through your blog. Choose keywords that many people search via the search engine. Keywords that are sought will make your blog visited by many people and that is the essence of how to increase blog traffic. SEO optimization of your blog that you write articles that can penetrate the first page of Google search results. Put a blog on Google's first page position guarantees more people will visit your blog, but it was very difficult because thousands of other bloggers to do the same.

Read: Definition and Function SERP

3. Create compelling content

Creating compelling content is how to increase blog traffic is easy bother. For content that is interesting not only to be original but also something that is sought by Internet users. The problem is to make writing interesting ideas do not come any time. But if you are a blogger who has a lot of unique and creative ideas, you can put it in your blog. Google likes blogs that have a unique and interesting articles as well as the original. Content is the King.

4. Optimization SEO

Once you make an interesting article, the next thing you have to do is SEO optimization. SEO optimization is very important to increase traffic blog or website. Nice and interesting article if it does not appear on the first page of Google will be hard to find someone else. Good writing but not his SEO optimized with either going to lose by article unremarkable but good SEOnya optimization. So do your best for SEO optimization of your blog.

Read: 10 SEO optimization tips for Blogspot Blog

5. Routine update article

The more regularly you write an article, the more likely you are to increase your blog traffic. Blogs are frequently updated Google Bot will make a routine visit and to crawl your blog pages. In addition, the increasing number of posts are also increasingly multiply keywords that would eventually impact on increased traffic blog or website.

Well, if you are lacking SEO Optimization techniques to run smoothly, you can still get a lot of traffic to your blog in the following ways:

6. Advantage of social media

Nowadays who does not know social media? Almost everyone has a Facebook and Twitter account. As a blogger you must have an account on the two largest networks in the world. Facebook has more than 1 billion users, if there is only 0.000001 of Facebook users visiting your blog. Twitter also is currently booming, you should use Twitter to get a lot of traffic and try to get a lot of retweets of your tweets so that more people will visit your blog.

How to Add Followers on Twitter Fast
6 powerful techniques to get a lot of retweets

7. Advantage of social bookmarking

In addition to social media, also use social bookmarking sites to increase your blog traffic. Feel free to submit articles to various social bookmarks. Advantages submit articles on social bookmarking in addition to a visit from fellow users, can also get quality backlinks from the social bookmarking site.

The function of social bookmarking in SEO
Social bookmarking sites list in Indonesia

8. Posts in forums

Online forums are a place where people gather and share mayorias information and latest news. Well if you want to increase traffic to your blog drastically, you also try to participate in online forums. In Indonesia, the best online forum to share the article was Kaskus, Indowebster, and Compass Forum.

9. Blogwalking

This method is somewhat archaic and old-fashioned but still very significant to help your blog get a lot of traffic. Blogwalking reason is often done by the bloggers is to improve ties between the bloggers, can also increase the traffic your blog or website. Usually bloggers whose blogs will visit back to visit. Well this is a reciprocal visit will increase traffic blog / website.

10. Advantage of question and answer site

Actually, I have not tried these tips, but after seeing a lot of bloggers who have benefited from the question and answer site I was finally entering active question and answer site can increase traffic blog or website. Yahoo! answer is that a lot of question and answer sites bring traffic to blogger blog.

Read: 5 best question and answer sites bring traffic to the blog


In addition to high traffic, popular blog is indicative of the large number of comments on the blog. Especially for blogspot users, try your comment boxes can be filled by 'everyone'. Because if only through the usually lazy Google account to comment. Moreover, many bloggers are too many notifications and rules for commenting, let people commented what it is. Based on the opinion of the world is also a master of SEO can improve the SEO article comments on the blog.

How to increase blog traffic with comments

12. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is an activity diaman you write a post on another blog. Or it could be someone else who wrote in your blog. This method is quite popular among bloggers because it can increase website traffic dramatically. When you write on other people's blogs are quite popular, loyal blog readers will visit your blog. Because they will be curious about who the figure behind the text and to prove what you write.

13. Loading speed blog

Blog loading speed is crucial to increase blog traffic. Because a blog is loading increase the likelihood of long-close people to pages that are not finished loading. So try your blog faster loading. I also kept trying to memeprcepat this blog loading

Read: The best way to reduce the Bounce Rate blog or website

14. DoFollow Blog

Especially for these tips, I do not recommend that you change your blog into dofollow blogs Increasing traffic for blogs. As has been widely known, Google unwelcome dofollow blog, because blogs are causing a lot of outgoing links so as to make inbound links and outbound links unbalanced. But another outcome, dofollow blog has high traffic due wanted by other bloggers who want to get a backlink.

Update: List of High Pagerank Dofollow Blog Indonesia

15. Comment on other people's blogs

Commenting on other people's blogs can increase our blog traffic especially if you are commenting on popular blogs and comments including comments that weighs us. So many of the blog visitors will visit our blog to prove what we already commented.

Thus article 15 ways to increase traffic to your blog or website. Because you already know the importance of commenting to increase traffic, please comment in the comment box below.

Definition of Bounce Rate and 5 Causes

Definition of Bounce Rate and 5 Causes

Definition of Bounce Rate. You may ask what is Bounce Rate? What also influences the bounce rate on your blog? What factors led to the bounce rate? For most bloggers above question is quite important because the bounce rate is an important factor to judge good or a blog. Bounce Rate can also be regarded as an indicator to measure the absorption of blog visitors.

bounce rate

What is a bounce rate?

Bounce Rate Bounce Rate is the ratio or the number of visitors is only open one page when visiting your blog. For more details, I add the formula how search engines measure the amount of bounce rate of a blog or website.

Bounce Rate = (number of visitors is only open one page / total number of visits) x 100%.

Okay let me direct examples easier to understand. put the name of your blog (a little narcissistic). Within one month of your blog have a total number of visits by 100,000 unique visitors. A total of 50,000 visitors is only open one page of your blog. Thus the bounce rate of your blog is at (50.000/100.000) x100% = 50%

One thing that needs to be understood by webmasters and bloggers are getting bigger bounce rate of a blog, the worse the performance. Meanwhile, when the smaller the bounce rate of a blog then the better the performance of the blog.

There are many opinions on the world of SEO experts on the maximum amount that can bounce dirolerir by a blog. Some say 20%, there is also a mention of 40% have been able to idkategorikan baik.Nah first I assume you have to reach the 40% first. After them later slowly reduced bounce rate up to the 20% blog. Find out first about the best way to reduce the bounce rate on a website blogatau.

There are two ways to determine how much bounce rate blog. First, through Google Analytics. Secondly, through .

There are various causes bounce to watch by bloggers and webmasters. This factor should be reduced to improve the performance of the website.

Causes of Bounce Rate

1. Blog Loading Speed

Blog with poor loading speeds or longer may make people reluctant to continue to visit the blog. So that one of the most important factors to reduce the bounce rate is the speed of loading. The faster loading blog, it is most likely owned by bounce rate would be even smaller.

2. Views blog design

Blog design layout affects the bounce rate of a blog. Why a blog that has a complicated layout and navigation that will make people lazy meticulous to browse the contents of the blog and rushed to leave the blog.

3. Quality blog content

Obviously, the main strength of a blog is its content. Content that is less attractive and worse ways of writing that will make the reader does not linger on your blog. Readers certainly do not want to waste precious time just to read the info that he values ​​not useful to him. Therefore, it is mandatory for a blogger to continue to improve his writing skills. Recognize also characteristic quality blog around you and learn the technique of writing from their writings.

4. External Linking

Keep in mind, the more outbound links installed on your blog will be more likely to eat blog visitors leave your blog. Some things that can be categorized as external linking is a link to other blogs in the post, blogroll, pictures, and advertisements.

5. Internal Linking

The more internal linking on a blog then chances are the blog bounce rate will be smaller. That is because the reader is given the ease to read another article which is still a topic sehinnga readers will read the other pages that are well connected in the blog. Use the links on the posts, related posts, recent posts, popular posts up to build a good internal linking.
The existence of bounce rate is less noticed by bloggers, bloggers especially beginners who are still busy dealing with templates and a desire to increase blog traffic. Please give your response to the article that I wrote above via the comments box.

Best Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate Blog or Website

Tips to reduce the bounce rate of your blog. Problem often faced by bloggers or webmasters is how to make visitors linger on your site and how to make them come back again to visit the blog at a later time. As great and as good as any design or content of your blog, it will be useless if you do not have a blog visitor.

Most people leave them visit blogs in seconds. If they do not get along with the article offered, or not in accordance with which they are looking. It's easy for them to close-clicking your blog from their browser. So How can I create a blog visitor you enjoy reading your content? The trick is to reduce bounce rate and increase the number of page views your blog .

How to reduce the bounce rate of your blog or website.

1. Use related post after post

This is one of the best ways reduce website bounce rate and increase page views of your blog. Related Posts you put after posting will display relevant content related to the post or you read the visitor. This will make your blog visitors interested to read other articles that are still related to the topic he is looking for. Especially if you are able to write the title of the article is cool, then you will be more and more visitors to read your content and of course it reduces the bounce rate blog.

2. Speed ​​up your Blog Loading

No one is happy with the blog a long loading time. Make your blog faster loading. There are many tips on how to speed up the loading blogs scattered leader Google. Choose the one that may be suitable for your blog.

3. Make your blog's design is simple

Most new bloggers continue to design their blogs activate widgets are always busy with unwanted pop-ups, play music automatically, etc. Do not do these things and make a mess of your blog's design. Your blog design should be as simple to navigate with ease.

In this way more readers would be interested in reading your blog content. Increase the font size and make it easier to read your blog posts. Most bloggers make the font size smaller and they give them a hard time for readers to easily read their content. Do not make these mistakes in your blog next time.

If you've a great blog design, you can definitely increase the bounce rate of your blog.

4. Restrict use WP plugin

Special WordPress user, do not use too many WordPress plugins that do not add value to your blog. Limit your use of WP plugins and make your site loading time faster.

Did you know that 80% of the loading time of your site depends on the use of your WP plugin? Yes it is.

So, use the plugin essentials only.

5. Write good content and the title of the article is "invite 'click

No matter how big your blog design, you can not control the pace out of your blog if you do not have quality content.

Why would anyone read your blog if you do not have greatness in the content? Make your readers stick to your blog by offering great value through your blog posts.

Also spend some quality time on crafting great headlines. After the headlines are the ones in which to decide whether or not to read your blog posts with only seeing them.

If they do not draw attention to them, they neglect to read your blog and find the exit road to your blog. So always write attention grabbing headlines on your blog posts to reduce your bounce rate and increase page views.

6. Show "Popular Posts" in the sidebar

Why? By displaying the most popular posts in your sidebar, you will provide more opportunities for first-time visitors to skim through your post again.

The most popular posts certainly can have a large impact on first-time visitors, because they add great value in less time (even if they missed!).

7. Increase postings

That bang White?

It is a rarely used tactic to reduce your bounce rate. Try to work on your old blog posts and increase them to attract more links, traffic and attention from others.

So, how you can improve your old posts? Follow these tips
  • Try to add image
  • Interlink page / other posts
  • Try to optimize search engine
  • Increasing the headline / title of the article
  • Or erase if not add any value

Well if you have pratekkan good when you maximize the search engines to increase your blog traffic. Read effective SEO tips for newbie bloggers .

Admin Note:
I've shared my way reduce the bounce rate blog formerly freakscontent up rate of 70% to 48% in 1 month. Well now if you have a way or another technique to reduce the bounce rate could share together through comments and discussion.

9 Ways to Increase Pageviews Blog Without SEO

How to increase blog page views or tips on how to increase the number of visitors to the blog is always looking for bloggers and webmasters.

Pageviews blog is the number of pages / posts that are opened and read by visitors to the blog. Pageviews have a close relationship with the visitor. Because the more visitors the blog it will likely be more and more number of pageviews the blog.

pageviews, pageviews blog

However, blogs that only have a little visitor may be able to have a lot of pageviews. That is because the visitor linger on the blog or read articles written content provided by the blog admin.

Statistics pageviews can be seen in the Dashboard if you have a blog on Blogger or you can check in Stat when you use WordPress (of course make sure you've installed Jetpack plugin). You can also avail the facility of Google Analytics to get more pageviews results comprehensively.

Pageviews is also a reason for people to advertise on your blog. Advertisers would prefer to put their ads on blogs that the number of high pageviewsnya. Then how to increase blog pageviews? High pageviews per visitor also will reduce the number of blogs bounce rate . (Read first: What is Bounce Rate? )

Here are some powerful ways that have been done by to increase blog pageviews. Let's refer ...

9 Ways to Increase Blog Pageviews

How to raise pageviews that I discuss may have never heard of or practiced. Because I also got references from various sources on the internet.

1. Make the title interesting and cool stuff

Make the title of your blog post interesting for readers to click. Try to keep it interesting but also aiming for the targeted keywords.

For example, some things that look Blogger is about SEO, traffic, blog templates, and tutorials. Make the title interesting, like 15, how to increase blog traffic quickly without SEO . But it must be remembered! Fixed content must be original and unique.

2. Subtract blog widget

The presence of a widget, of course enhance the look of our blog or website. But too many widgets will also make people sick and make a slow blog loading. Blogs will slow left by readers. So, keep your blog widgets neat and well optimized.

3. Attach Related Post / Related Articles

Put a widget related post or article related to your blog. This will make visitors read the posts relating to what he is looking for. More and more people reading the article, the higher the page views of your blog. (Read: how to create a related post / article linked )

4.Tampilkan "Popular Posts"

The majority of blog visitors will only read the most popular articles on the blog. For that, you must attach Popular Posts on your blog. (Important! 5 secret writing Popular Posts in Blog )

How to install Latest Posts on the blog:
  • Go to Blogger >> Select Layout >> Add Gadget >> Select the "Popular Posts"

5. Create a table of contents (sitemap)

This is actually less too often opened the heck, just in case there are visitors who want to see your entire content, nah there sitemap function.

6. Replace "Search Box"

If you want to increase blog pageviews, it shall attach features Search / Search Box. You can put it in the sidebar or in the header. Try the search box in your blog easy to find visitors.

7. Add internal linking

Internal linking is your linking your blog posts to your other posts. This will strengthen the network among post. In addition, internal linking also increase the SEO value of your blog in the eyes of search engines.

8. Autorefresh

This method is usually done by large sites like Seconds , Compass, and Viva . When you install autorefresh, then your blog will automatically refresh the page open by the time you set. You can set the autorefresh per 5 minutes or 10 minutes.

9. Answered every comment on the blog

Answer the incoming comments on your blog. Because in addition to increasing pageviews blogs, comments will also be a relationship between bloggers.

Well, that's 9 Ways to Increase Blog Without SEO Pageviews version. It's my way, where did you?