Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bedroom Design 2

 Bedroom Design
 Bedroom Design
 Bedroom Design
 Bedroom Design
Bedroom Design

Bedroom Design 1

 Bedroom Design
 Bedroom Design
Bedroom Design

Benefits Egg Whites for Facial Beauty

Once before I discuss the benefits of chicken egg for health. , on this occasion I will discuss the benefits of egg whites as a natural facial care, (as one of the ingredients of beauty facial moisturizers and facial lightening).

In one chicken egg turns out there is a substance or active compounds, which are useful both for treating natural beauty of the face, and the best part and efectif of chicken eggs for natural skin care is egg whites.

P utih egg is believed to restore part of the pores that have been opened (the pores will get back docked again) making skin firmer course.
Manfaat Putih Telur
Benefits Egg Whites for Facial
Benefits chicken egg white is not just for skin care looo!, But can be one of the natural alternative to address hair that has begun to appear white (gray). Well if you are one of those people who have problems with hair, especially hair graying, there is no harm in utilizing the egg whites to address them.

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It is undeniable that the face is the most important part of the body to be able to support the self-confidence, if your face is dull and dry , let alone a lot of acne certainly can reduce our confidence is not it? It does my opinion and personal experience heheh.

Well usually someone did not think long and expensive to pay a lot to make her skin glow, and free of frills that can lower his confidence.

However taukah you? Actually many natural ways to make your face look beautiful and be free of the sense of inferiority, and one of them is using chicken egg white.

Actually what is the benefit that we can get to beauty skin cells with natural treatments chicken egg white mask? Let us see what are the benefits below:

Benefits Egg Whites for Facial Care:
  • Chicken egg can provide face protection so that acne does not easily arise.
  • Can be overcome and blemishes / dark spots resulting from acne scars
  • Addressing and treating your nose (especially to prevent the onset of stubborn blackheads )
  • Mengebalikan cell pores that have been opened so that the pores will be closed again.
  • Troubleshooting oily dirt along with that result.
Well after how do I know its benefits continue to apply? Quiet following brief guide how to use egg white mask that you can try at home, respectively. May be useful.

Materials - materials that you need to prepare:
  • White eggs are taken from a chicken egg (village)
  • Pure honey is not mixed with about 1 tablespoon of chemicals.
How the application and utilization:
  • The first step is open chicken eggs
  • Take the egg whites and yolks separated by
  • Beat egg whites that we prepared earlier on the plate or container to dispense foam egg-white foam.
  • Put one tablespoon of honey that has been prepared into the beaten egg whites, mix the two ingredients until evenly distributed.
  • Now mix the egg whites and masu is what you can dab a thin and evenly on the face area.
  • Do not washed once after finished applying (let stand about 30 menitan or mask dries)
  • Wash your face with clean water and pat your face with a soft cloth / towel smooth.
  • For a more natural way is to give the maximum positive effect, you can use this method at least 1-2 times a week (pengguanaannya before bed).
Many not benefit chicken eggs for facial beauty, how well are not too difficult, but does require a bit of patience to achieve maximum results, okay so first article this time hopefully, can provide benefits for all of us, especially my own.

Note: This method can also be used on the skin of men, so the 2-2nya be well, pretty greeting fellow health information.

Tips on How to Take Care Face Naturally And Easily

Tips on How to Take Care Face Naturally And Easily

Tips on How to Take Care Facial Natural And Easy ~ Who does not want to face kincrong free from acne, his face clean, fresh white and radiant, surely everyone wants it. Moreover, the face is one of the most important symbol to improve one's performance style or fashion.
The face is also part of our body that is often overlooked by others, both men and women. Well if we have a face that dull, dry and moreover many pimples you certainly will feel uncomfortable, or not Pede in the mix, I think it sihh hehe.

Therefore, it is actually a lot of ways to treat the face we become shiny, radiant, white and of course, our skin becomes healthier. How was classified into two parts, namely a natural way (not pose a danger in the future, but it requires diligence process and rather long) or by using chemical-based products are recommended by doctors, and of course will cause a negative effect if it is not appropriate to use the product.
Tips Cara Merawat Wajah
Picture: Tips on How to Take Care Face
Now therefore, in this time of my review, I will try to review tips on how to care face naturally and using cleaning products, but the results are amazing.

The following health info ~ tips on how to care for the face naturally is worth for you to test:
  • The first try if you want to touch the face area, my advice is to first wash your hands with clean water, so that the hands free of bacteria and germs.
  • Do not often mutually exchange facial cleanser, and if you try to use a facial cleanser, searching existing doctor's recommendation of beauty, and of course wash your face regularly 2 times a day, night and morning.
  • Try to always make the skin moist, if it feels dry proceeded to wash our faces.
  • Always use a moisturizer if you're doing outdoor activities, it aims to prevent the skin from UV (ultraviolet light) that can cause black spots on the face.
  • Try you can spare a little time though, or about two-three minute routine every night, to massage the facial skin when you want to sleep. It aims to avoid the face of fatigue, and can also give the skin becomes radiant effect.
  • Get used to your face dimasker although only 2 times a week. It aims to lift embedded dirt in our face.
  • Try you multiply the consumption of water on a daily basis, consume water in the doctor's recommendation of at least 2 liters or 8 glasses.
  • To keep the area of the inner skin, Vitamin E usakan you drink every day routine.
  • Take the time to exercise regularly, so that our skin looks firmer.
Well after a lot of ways you can treat the face above using aid as follows:

Using Lime
As we know that lemon juice rich in vitamin C which is good for skin health. For more details on how to use lemon for skin care you can read this article: Benefits of Lime for Face .

Using olive oil.
Olive oil is believed to make the face moist, and is also useful to get rid of acne. Now to read the full benefits of olive oil you can read it here: the benefits of olive oil for the face .

Using salt water immersion
If you have a problem on your acne can read the literature, health info ~ how to get rid of acne using salt water .

Okay that's a bit of information about how to take care face -tips-tricks-style healthy ~ health info we can Share. Hopefully this article can be useful for you and especially my own.

Good luck fella: Read also beauty tips ala other health info below: