Wednesday, June 25, 2014


In 1349. Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah. said: Allah does not look at his mercy on those who degrade the fabric under the foot because of arrogant eyes. ( Bukhari, Muslim )

How to Download Paid Android Apps for Free

How to Download Paid Android Apps for Free

      Today, I am talking about how to download paid android applications for free. We know android apps store is very popular apps store and adding daily latest applications. Many applications developers earning by it, for this they providing applications in paid version. In Android Phone, We all use Google Play Store to download various applications like whatsapp, but some applications is in paid version, you need to paid some dollars to download these applications. Today, I  find a trick to download paid android applications for free. Blackmart Alpha is the application for android to download all paid applications for free.

How to Download Android Apps for Free :

  • Download Blackmart Alpha Application
  • Install it in your Android Phone.
  • Open Google Play Store and search any paid application.
  • Pick Name of any paid application which you want to download.
  • Now Open Blackmart Alpha Application.
  • Search the name of application (paid in Google play store).
  • After find any application (paid in Google play store) and click to download.
  • Install in your phone.
Done ! In this way you download paid android applications for free.

Six How To Stay Slim Without Dieting

Six How To Stay Slim Without Dieting

We will put on weight if not ever pay attention to our food. For that we need the following six ways to stay slim without dieting. Why? Anyone know?

6 ways to Stay Slim Without Dieting
Maybe because now more of the tools that help in our lives, which is slowly stealing our chance to burn off excess calories, or (according to Ofcom statistics) 3.8 hours we spend watching TV each day.

Maybe also because of the amount of food available to us, or too many confusing food labels contained in most packaged foods. Or, because the bulk of us have lost the ability to eat a normal way, sensible balanced diet?

That's what diaykini Ian Marber, founder of the Food Doctor Clinic. In his latest book "How Not to Get Fat" he explains how to make simple food choices that will help you control your weight, reduce the chances of your health deteriorates and never diet again.

Maybe not modern knowledge or a new breakthrough but at least be a valuable warning for you:

Here are some recommendations Ian:

Eating protein and complex carbohydrates together
Consumption of foods rich in protein with complex carbohydrates in the diet help reduce the speed of release of sugar into the blood. This helps reduce hunger and desire to eat, increases energy and inhibits the body to store excess calories as fat. It also helps increase the absorption of necessary fiber for digestion.

How? Complex carbohydrates found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, brown rice, pasta, wheat, bread, rye (a type of wheat), and barley. Foods rich in protein contained in meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, soy and soy products, quinoa, and beans.

Ideas group menu that blends it all contained in breakfast cereal or porridge with added nuts and seeds, or bread baked potato with baked beans, pasta or rice chicken, fish served over lentils, oatmeal cookies sprinkled with cheese, fruit salad with soy and grains.

Do not stay away from fatty foods
Why? Fat create texture in the mouth which gives the sensation of satisfaction and pleasure that increase appetite. Fat also triggers hormones that stimulate the brain to feel full. Fat also slows the processing of food in the body and provide many essential nutrients.

Eat foods low in fat, fish oil, nuts, seeds and oils such as flax, olive and sunflower oils. Avoid foods that increase cholesterol saturated fat such as cakes, biscuits, full fat milk, fried foods, and meats that contain lots of fat.

Eat every two and a half hours or three hours
Why? Eat regularly throughout the day to make the energy level remains high and avoid getting too hungry at the end of the day. It also helps you stay in control of your food choices and reduce the need for caffeine and sugar.

How? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day and eating snacks at mid-day and mid-afternoon with other snacks after dinner if necessary.

Complex carbohydrates at lunch
Why? Unless you work nights, we are mostly very active during the day so this time we need a lot of complex carbohydrates to indulge.

How? For dinner and evening snack mix protein with carbohydrates contained in green leafy vegetables in general, it contains less carbohydrate than carbohydrates contained in whole grains.

Meal 30-60 minutes after waking
Why? Keeping blood sugar stable is a critical part of this plan and failed to fill after about eight hours of not eating (while sleeping) will make our blood sugar levels decrease.

How? If you do not have an appetite in the morning, eat a few bananas and coconut with almonds, apples with pieces of cheese or boiled eggs and oatmeal cookies instead of eating your morning when you arrive at the office or after school.

Exercise at least 30 minutes five times a week
Why? You may have heard this a million times before but regular exercise is key to maintaining body weight.

How? The best way that you can exercise every day is to do the things you love. The streets in the morning with your dog, go to work by bicycle, take the kids to school on foot, looking for lunch on foot, joined the tennis club, jogging with friends, dance classes or swimming in the morning.

For more delicious recipes, more than 200 recipes and snacks as well as 10 food that can be used to your daily diet read the book "How Not To Get Fat" by Ian Marber.

Wireless Point-to-Point Mikrotik

Wireless Point-to-Point Mikrotik - Wireless Point-to-Point is a wireless communication connection between two points, where the host is connected only with one client. Wireless Point-to-Point (P2P) using two Mikrotik Mikrotik + Directional Antenna (Grid, Yagi, Sectoral, etc.). Application of Wireless Point-to-point on Mikrotik RouterOS license requires a minimum of level 3 in bridge mode - station.

The device used is Mikrotik Mikrotik Outdoor which has resistance to a wide range of weather conditions, for example using the RB 433. Mikrotik will later be installed in the tower of his communication with directional antenna. For installation Mikrotik and its own antenna must consider the condition of the surrounding environment.

Line of Sight

Line of Sight (LoS) is a straight path between the sender (transmitter) and receiver (receiver) that is free of obstructions. So the air path between the AP and the client as much as possible that nothing is blocking, such as buildings, trees, hills, etc.. If there is a barrier then the Wi-Fi connectivity will not be maximized, will not even be able to connect.

Fresnel Zone

Fresnel Zone is the area around a straight line between the antenna (LoS) is used as a medium frequency propagation. In addition to the barrier-free LoS, Fresnel Zone area is also as much as possible its not too much of a barrier.

For more details, please see the following picture:

Antenna Alignment

Antenna Alignment is the direction of the antenna used. Antenna client should lead to the AP antennas, and vice versa. The angle and direction of the antenna must also be considered, because if it does not lead to better then the signal will not be received with the maximum.

Mikrotik 1 as an Access Point (AP)

In Mikrotik 1 is used as an AP with Bridge mode. Why is Bridge? Because of the Point-to-Point only two-way communication occurs only between the AP and the client. If the Client is more than one means that including Point-to-Multipoint. Well, Bridge mode allows only one client alone who can connect to the AP.

Mikrotik 2 as a Client

Client connected to the AP via Wireless use Station mode. At Station usual mode does not support L2 bridging, so it can not be used to make the network transparent wireless bridge. If you use a regular Station mode then must use routing, instead of her bridge.