Monday, June 23, 2014

Monitoring & Graphing Tool in Mikrotik

Monitoring & Graphing Tool in Mikrotik

Routers that have completed our setting and already running, it does not mean we will abandon. The first router is a backbone router. In most ISPs will even monitor for 24 hours nonstop to ensure the good condition of the router - either alone. And if anything happens that makes the network router does not run properly, can be addressed properly.
Likewise network admins also need to record the bandwidth usage for the material in the report whether the bandwidth to get the appropriate information from the ISP bandwidth services, or simply recorded by the client bandwidth usage statistics. To keep records in graph format in MikroTik, network admins can use the "Graphing".
Tool Graphs
First, we will discuss the features of the first graph, this feature can be accessed via the menu Tools -> Graphing, or via the terminal with the command / tool graphing
With tools graph, we can do the monitoring of some parameters on the router and presenting it in graphical form. This graph can be seen by the access router via the web, the address format http:// [router ip] / graphs. For example
By default, the graph tool is not recording any data, when viewed via a web browser have not found any data. It takes any parameter settings to be recorded as well as additional policy if needed. We try to monitor the amount of traffic on one interface, eg for ether2 interface. First, set the settings on the first graphing / graphing tools. Setting this graph to determine how to record the data every minute. Then, add the interfaces to be monitored on the tab "interface rule". In this tab please add ether2 interface.
If it is, wait a moment, then returned Graphs access from a web browser. Will appear on the link in accordance with the interface name recorded in the graph. Click the link to view bandwidth graphs recorded by graphs.
In addition to a router interface, the graph can also record Resource hardware such as CPU, memory and RAM, or it could be to record Queue. If you are familiar with tools or other applications for network monitoring, display graph it can be said to be almost similar.
The Dude
Speaking of applications for network monitoring, Mikrotik has a tool that can display the network in the form of a folder. The tool is The Dude, and as usual MikroTik always provide a free application solutions as well as The Dude's palikasi. Can be downloaded for free directly from
The Dude can be installed on RouterOS (the file format. Npk) or can be installed The Dude version of Windows on the PC executable format file (. Exe). Once we run the application Dude on a Windows PC, Dude we can use to scan and display the network topology in the form or folder. So that will facilitate the monitoring and network management.
Implementations are typically used, The Dude installed on the router, so the network folder will be stored in it, then to access the folder on the router, we need to install The Dude on the PC with the same version. In addition to monitoring the network, we can also do management / remote to the router directly by The Dude. For example, ping, traceroute, bandwidth test is performed directly from our remote router.
The Dude will give you a warning, usually a color change to red when the device is down. And one plus the value of The Dude, this application can not only be used for monitoring any Mikrotik device, as long as a device to enable SNMP, then The Dude can be used for monitoring and management.
Then we try needs now reversed, can Mikrotik Router in the monitoring and management with a tool other than The Dude?. And it turns out Mikrotik can be monitored using other applications, for SNMP in Mikrotik active.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the Internet standard protocol for managing devices on a network. SNMP can be used for a variety of graph data. Examples of its use in applications like The Dude and Mikrotik order can be managed, then the SNMP must be enabled. Quite easy, enable SNMP pd Mikrotik, can with command: / snmp set enabled = yes
After setting the SNMP in Mikrotik, live sets in applications that will perform the monitoring and management of the router. If using The Dude, can be a way "Add Device". On the contents of the address with the IP address of the router. Do not forget to check the Secure Mode option.
If it is added, then double-click the device and make sure the status is up. If it is not up or does not show up status information, go to the Services tab, then click the "Discover".
For monitoring traffic running on the router, connect the device to the network by adding a link. Then double-click on the link.
Mastering Type please select SNMP. Then select the traffic on which interface is monitored. It will appear in real time bandwidth information. So, there are many ways to perform network monitoring and management. The Dude is a solution that is reliable and free.


Know the PoE function on RouterBoard

Know the PoE function on RouterBoard

Before making a purchase routerboard, it is advisable to look at the details of the product specifications. Have you seen the features PoE and PoE-In-Out on RouterBoard?, Or when we're looking at - see picture RouterBoard, there are several types of routerboard where there is yellow on one or more interfaces. Such information is an indication that the RouterBoard support PoE feature, a feature that is interesting enough to be implemented on our network.
Stands for Power Over Ethernet, in other words a method that utilizes twisted pair cable (UTP / STP) as the transmission medium power (power). PoE benefits will be felt when we did the installation of an outdoor wireless devices in the tower. With the PoE, we do not need to withdraw the power cord from the power supply to the tower above the existing router. Examples of installation topology that utilizes PoE devices.
Most of the users of MikroTik already quite familiar with the features PoE-In on RouterBoard. This means that if RouterBoard support PoE-In, then the routerboard can receive power from a PoE interface ether without power through the power jack. RouterBoard that support this feature RouterBoard mostly used for wireless needs.
With the PoE-In this feature, technicians no longer need to allocate power cable to provide power to the RouterBoard, just use PoE to pass power through UTP cable, UTP cable means will be used to pass data while skipping the power to RouterBoard. In outdoor wireless package usually includes passive PoE. Shape each passive PoE outdoor wireless packet sometimes differ depending on equipment specifications. Sample images Passive PoE.
On the outside there is usually some text information. For the passive POE port labeled LAN is connected to the local network, can be directly to a computer or to switching. LAN port in passive PoE only serves to pass data. Furthermore, passive PoE port labeled POE on RouterBoard connected to the information contained PoE port (usually ether1). Port is in addition to pass data, also sends power to be used by the RouterBoard. Jack and power port (DC), connect the adapter. RouterBoard will be lit by using a power supply via a UTP cable from PoE so they no longer require power from the power jack plugs.
As we have seen before, some products MikroTik Support PoE output features. This feature serves to provide power supply to the devices connected to interfaces that support PoE-Out.
Examples of products that support PoE Out example RB750UP or Omnitik UPA. Routers that have this feature are usually equipped with different adaptop the usual adapter. Of course a power adapter that has a better capacity. Each - each device has a number of PoE-Put interface that is different - different. It is recommended to see the detailed specifications of each device if you need this feature.
Case suppose we'll plug in some wireless routers in a single tower. With regular router, then each - each wireless router will need an adapter and passive PoE, installation topology will be as follows:
Unlike when we are already use RouterBOARD with PoE feature out, eg Omnitik UPA. Then the power needs of other wireless routers can be supplied by the UPA Omnitik without having to add an adapter and PoE for each device. Topology installation will be as follows
PoE-Out can be configured via the command: / interface ethernet poe. Each port can be configured independently. In the fast ethernet cable, by default Blue and Brown wires will be used to pass power where the blue wire to the positive voltage while the brown wire going to miss the negative voltage. If using Winbox, PoE settings can be done by double-click interface, then click the PoE tab.
It would appear that some of the parameters can be determined according to the needs, the following details about pearameter that can be set:
  • Auto-on - the router will attempt to detect whether power can be run / not on that port. The router will check using a low voltage, there are barriers ranged from 3kΩ to 26.5kΩ the PoE will be lit.
  • Forced-on - Turns off and will make the detection function as PoE ports continuously for no overload and short circuit.
  • Off - The function will be switched off and PoE detection will also be turned off. Ethernet port will function properly regular ethernet.
In RouterOS v.6.x if using a long cable to a power source on the router add the following command: / interface ethernet set ether1 poe-poe settings-in-long-cable = yes
PoE Priority
Used to determine the priority of PoE power per port. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest priority is 99. If there are two or more interfaces with the same priority then the ethernet port with the smallest number will automatically have higher priority. For example, ether2 and ether3 have the same priority, and if there is an overload ether3 the PoE will be turned off. The router will check every 6 seconds if ethernet is turned off because the priority could be given the power back.
To avoid hardware damage due to power, PoE feature equipped with several features.
  • Port detection, auto-on mode can be said to be fairly safe mode where the router can malakukan checks whether the device is connected to the port requires and is capable of receiving power properly or not.
  • Overload Protection, when Poe-Out run the router will check the occurrence oveload. In case of overload the PoE-Out will be turned off to avoid hardware damage caused by excessive power. PoE controller firmware version 2 allows the distribution of maximum 1 ampere at one port and a maximum of 2.2 amps for a total of all ports.
  • Short Circuit Detection, checking is done at the time of the occurrence of short-out on the PoE-enabled. If the router detects the occurrence of short, then all PoE-Out port will be turned off.
For monitoring, simply double-click interface that runs as POE-Out, then the tab will display information PoE power is distributed on the port.
RouterBoard device that supports PoE-Out usually marked with the code "P" or "i" in the product name, eg Omnitik UPA, RB750UP, RB260GSP, RB2011UiAS, etc.. Code "P" means all ethernet besides ether1 on RouterbBoard support PoE-Out, while the product has the code "i" means having a support Ethernet PoE-Out.

PoE solution with NetProtector

PoE solution with NetProtector


Power surge unstable and vulnerable to lightning normally be a concern for network administrators who install outdoor wireless devices in the tower. Power needs could be said that risky needs. Power is not stable and lightning can easily cause damage to the device. Especially if grouding done only with makeshift tools and without adequate calculation.
To minimize problems of power on the wireless router we present a new product named NetProtector. PoE is a module which is designed to distribute power while protecting the router from the power of abnormal activity, eg due to lightning or power surge unstable.
NetProtector not a switch, however, but instead of POE is equipped with Surge Arrester features so as to provide protection against electrical surges on the router.
PoE function will also allow us so to the distribution of power to each - each device, without having to add an adapter and PoE for each device. Installation topology would be as follows:
On the back of the device there is a grounding cable NetProtector. These cables stay connected to the existing system grouding in your network infrastructure.
There are 2 types NetProtector we provide, manageable and standard NetProtector NetProtector. For NetProtector manageable product, there are features that can be used to set NetProtector remotely via a web-base.
NetProtector standard features:
  • PoE adapter functionality
  • Bulit-in netprotector
  • All ports shielded
  • Standard power socket DC 2.1/5.5
  • Solid, sleek, all-aluminum, painted black desktop case
  • 0.3 m grounding cable included
As for NetProtector manageable, additional features in addition to standard features. Here are some additional features manageable NetProtector:
  • Restarter functionality
  • Management via www (web-base)
  • Watchdog
NetProtector comes with two types of casing, casing desktop and rackmount chassis. Type the desktop with a simple shape and small allows us to setup with limited space. And rackmount chassis for penampatan in 1U server rack (19 inch).
Especially for a product with 1U chassis, the number of interfaces can be expanded to 24. If by default the number of ethernet only 8, we can add the modules separately in order to cater for the number of ethernet network needs us.
Remotely via the Web
Netprotector is manageable features that are helpful for network admins who want to monitor the condition of the power on the device. By default web-base can be accessed at the address
Login page will appear asking for username and password information. NetProtector default account is as follows:
Username = admin
Password = admin
Display the home page of web-base NetProtector. Contains information on the features and functionality of existing features.
A feature to control the power output. In this feature, the network administrator can turn on / off the power outpout on a specific interface.
Condition monitoring devices connected to PoE-Out is based on IP addresses with the standard ping. IP address of the device that should be monitored by IP Address NetProtector segment. NetProtector will display the status of the monitored devices. Under normal conditions, the device status says "OK". If the device unreacheable within a specified period, the status will change to "FAIL". There is an option that we can choose if the router is experiencing fail. If we check the option "Add Relay", then when the device status into fail, NetProtector will automatically reset power PoE on the interface connected to the device with a fail status. Power reset process within approximately 2.5 minutes.
Displays detailed status of NetProtector devices, such as input voltage and temperature.
We can do some settings on Netprotector. Settings such as IP Address, Gateway, and Password. In parameter mode, fill it with a value of 0 if NetProtector will automatically obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. Or fill it with value 1 if the IP address is configured statically.
If in the future we forget the password or IP address of the router, we can reset to the default initial configuration Netprotector. We can do a reset using the reset button located on the back of the casing, or some are located at the front of the chassis, depending on the type of product.
Steps to perform a reset:
  • Turn off the device NetProtector
  • Press the "Reset" and remains on hold
  • Give power to the device by plugging the power jack.
  • Wait a few seconds, then release the reset button.
  • Turn off netprotector by unplugging the power jack, and then on again.
  • Netprotector already is reset, you can try the remote router with a default IP address.
NetProtector product offers convenience and security in terms of power. A solution of the network admins will concern the unstable power surge or due to lightning.


Implementation of Wireless Roaming with WDS

Implementation of Wireless Roaming with WDS

In the modern era will need an internet connection can hardly be said that an important requirement. Many companies or educational institutions then try giving access to the internet in an open area so that users can be much more comfortable. Case that arises is to cover the needs of a large area such as a school, college or open areas, sometimes can not be reached with a single wireless device. Moreover, wireless users who are mobile or move - move. MikroTik provide solutions to the needs of roaming wireless WDS feature.
There is more than one access point which will emit wireless with the same SSID. Client can connect to any access point, depending on the signal from the access point where the terdetct good on the client side. When the client relocates and interrupted by one access point, the client will be in automatically switch to another access point that the client reaches.
Static WDS
MikroTik features Dynamic and Static WDS WDS. Usually the connection stability considerations, network admins prefer a static WDS. It is a bit more complicated configurations, but the connection is not easy to change - change if the signal drops. When the connection between repeter switch, the connection will typically break up more or less in a single ping. If too often, it will display the impression of a connection like breaking - breaking up. Therefore, many choose to implement static WDS. That is, we set the access point to which repeaters will be connected. So even though the signal goes down, the connection will not move - move. As an example, we will try to wake up the implementation of the WDS static topology such as the following details:
Access Point Master
AP router becomes the master must be connected to the internet. If you are connected to the internet properly, the time setting as a master AP. First create interface Bridge. At STP settings, select mode RSTP protocol option.
Then add the wlan interface into the bridge port. Go to the ports tab, then click the + button. Select wlan1 interface and navigate to the bridge that has been created, then click OK.
Setting the bridge was finished, then we are setting the wlan interface as an access point. Double-click on the wireless interface and then go to the Wireless tab. Set the AP-Bridge mode. Other parameters can be adjusted as needed.
then we started setting static WDS. Double click on the wireless interface, then go to the tab "WDS". In WDS mode option, please select static. Then at WDS Default Bridge option, select the bridge that was made ​​before.
Then create a new WDS interface manually in the Wireless menu. Click the + button and select WDS.
In the WDS options address mac-address with the contents of repeaters that will be connected to the master AP. Consider the previous topology image. AP Master connected to Repeater 1 and Repeater 3. Then the WDS option will insert the address mac-address inetrface wireless Repeater 1 and Repeater 3.
WDS settings are finished, then we just set the Hotspot Server AP Bridge Master in the interface that has been created. If Hotspot Server is installed on the laptop wlan interface is connected to the repeater will not get service Hotpsot.
Repeater 1
Setting up for the first repeater 1 bridge interface with wlan1 port, in this step is done almost the same way when setting the bridge on the AP Master. If the setting of the bridge has been completed, setting the wireless interface as a WDS Slave.
Then the settings on the WDS tab with WDS Mode = Static Default Bridge and WDS Bridge select the interface that has been created. Next create static WDS Wireless menu. Slightly different from the settings on the AP Master, this time setting the address WDS Repeater 1 is filled with mac-address interface wireless AP and Repeater Master 2. Remember, connected to AP Repeater 1 and Repeater 2 masters.
Setting static WDS on Repeater 1 has been completed. If we want to connect to a repeater 1 interne, provide live ip address on the bridge interface that was made earlier. Add to this the DNS and gateway. If the AP Master hotpsot run the service, do not forget their mac-address bindings - each repeater remember MikroTik Router does not have a browser to the hotspot login.
Repeater 2
Setting the repeater 2 repeaters are also nearly equal to 1, such as setting the bridge, and WDS settings on the wireless interface. That little difference is when adding static WDS. 2 Rada Repeater, WDS Address filled with mac-address Repeater 1 and Repeater Repeater 3 for 2 will be connected with the second repeater.
Repeater 3
Similar to the Repeater 2, setting the bridge and WDS settings on each wireless interface with the settings on the repeater 1. And When creating static WDS, WDS we address the contents of the AP mac-address mac-address Master and Repeater 2. 3 Repeater Where this AP will be connected to the Master and to the Repeater 2.
Setting static WDS is finished. If all the devices both master and Repeater AP can connect with each other well, then the static WDS interface that we have previously made will be the status of RSA (Running, Slave, Active).
Then try to connect to the laptop through the wireless, the login page will appear, even if the laptop is connected to an access point in addition to the master, it could be 1 or repeater Repeater other.