Grenier: Iraq needs change of leadership
Watch "Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN
speaks with Robert Grenier, the CIA's Iraq mission manager from 2002 to
2004 and director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to
2006, about Iraq's future.
you've dealt with these people. Is it possible for the Sunnis of Iraq
to trust the al-Maliki government, even if he did make some concessions,
even if he did make some outreach? If you were a Sunni leader in Iraq –
you've watched what Maliki has done for the last four or five years –
are you going to buy it? Are you going to be willing to get in bed with
him? It just feels to me like the prospect of national reconciliation,
at this point, is remote.
agree with that. I think it's going to be very, very important for a
replacement to be found for Nuri al-Maliki. And I think it's very
important for the Americans to be speaking quietly with the Iranians.
You know, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Jim Jeffrey has a very nice
phrase for this. He says that the Iranian interest in Iraq is to keep
the Sunnis down, the Kurds in and the Americans out. And right now,
al-Maliki is not serving any of their agenda items.
think that they will agree, once the current crisis has past, that this
man needs to be replaced. I think we have to have a substantial
presence on the ground to give us the influence that we need to work,
again, indirectly, in conjunction with the Iranians who share some
interests with us to make sure that there's a change of leadership in